Founder & Beekeeper
Rod Skellet, our Founder & Beekeeper, has been described by some as “a jackaroo that never quite got over it”.
This backhanded compliment sits well with Rod who has developed a passion for beekeeping and producing this wonderful mono-floral manuka honey on King Island.
Rod like many rural produce producers has a strong affinity with nature. As a self-described closet greenie, he understands the importance of bees and having healthy, pest and disease-free hives as well as protecting the floral resource on which they forage for nectar and pollen.

Coming Full Circle
Rod started his journey in Agriculture at School at Barker College. Barker has more students doing Ag Science in the HSC students than South Australia and Tasmania combined.
A Bachelor of Applied Science (Agriculture) from Hawkesbury Ag College occupied his next four years followed by a stint jackarooing in the Upper Hunter Region and then a job in crop protection with Nufarm Chemicals.
In 1986 Rods career path forked, and he found himself working in the options market on the trading floor with the Sydney Stock Exchange. Within 6 months he was working for Ord Minnett/JP Morgan which led to a 35 year career in finance.

King Island Beckons
Rod’s bond with Bass Strait and Tasmania developed via his love of offshore sailing.
Every Boxing day, Rod would set sail for Hobart, via the notorious Bass Strait, the stretch of water protected by King Island at its western entrance.
It is during this time that Rod became drawn to the remote, pristine and extraordinary land that is King Island.
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